Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bloglines !!

OH, I am such a clever little duckie: I created my own bloglines account. I added the website Etsy I love shopping there: they've got cool stuff for duckies and great presents for all my friends.
As you can see: I have been to Uluru. Magnificent place. I sang around the campfire at the local Camping ground. Such a fantastic atmosphere ! The didgeridoo sounded so haunting in the dark with the crackling campfire...I have a small Youtube movie that you can watch. This is just before it got dark, the tourists were given wine and snacks and the didgeridoo-player was "warming up".
My next stop will be Hawaii. I hope I can fit in some surfing !!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

View my Merchandise on FLICKR

Just for your information: You can view my merchandise here.Click on the small notice just above the photo, so you can see the whole batch. As you can see there are a lot of different duckies made in my image. I am very proud of it!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Just a note before I fly out.

Hi to all my fans !!! The concert with Justine Clarke went so well. We did a couple of duets, so awesome...!!!
I think tonight you can see her on Spicks & Specks !! She is fantastic. I had to decline joining the Spicks & Specks team because of my busy schedule. Shame though, because I love the show. This is one of my favourite songs that I would have sung at the end of the show (if I was there) Maybe you can sing along, the words are there !!
So long my lovely quackers.
PS and don't forget to sing in the shower smile-a-while !!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Yeahh, I'm in Sydney !!!

I arrived in Sydney without any problems. The weather today is lovely: sunny and 24 C, but of course being a duck it is not wet enough..."ducks like rain, ducks like rain, ducks like splishing, splashing in the rain...etc" I'm sure you know the song. My performance with Justine Clarke from Playschool is tomorrow (25 Sept). The show is called 'I like to sing', which is very appropriate, because I DO like to sing...
The Opera House is very impressive.
Yesterday I had the day off, and I did something very exciting: I climbed the
Sydney Harbour Bridge!!! First I found it soooo scary, but then I thought:"well, if I fall, I have wings, so I can fly...!!!And I can swim like a duck in the water, because I am a duck!!!It was very expensive:on Saturday and Sunday it is $199 for an adult; and $129 for a child. They were a bit puzzled what to charge me, so I got it for only $50, because I was a novelty, they thought. To be honest, I found that a bit of an insult.
Next stop: Ayers Rock !!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Off I go !!!

Well I am finally on my way !!
My friends came to the airport to say 'goodbye', which was very kind of them. You can see I have lots of luggage. I have to take extra bags of pellets, because most hotels only have 'human-food'. My first stop will be Sydney where I will be performing in the Opera House.

More about that later.
I was actually hoping to add music to my blog, as you know I have the most beautiful voice, but I don't know how to do that. My other duck-friends don't even know how a computer works, so no use asking them...!!!
If you know, please write to me. Sorry, we have to board now!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Well, the last post looked a bit messy, sorry...I tried to use my left wing feathers on the keyboard
for a change...won't do that again...I think my right wing feathers have more strenght.
I am busy preparing for my tour. I had a little going-away party with my two sisters. They will miss me they always rely on me for getting the best breadcrumbs. Now they will have to fend for themselves for a couple of weeks. They actually want me to bring back a little Peking Duckling from China !! I'll see what I can do. But I have to go now, my agent is on the phone...

the PLAN !!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

the PLAN !!

Hi there, I have been invited to travel the world as the most famous Singing Ducky !! Oh yes, I am so proud. I will tell you all about my travels: I will be walking around Ayers Rock; sing in the Sydney Opera House; surf in Hawaii and much more. My week in Italy had to be cancelled because of the passing away of Pavarotti. He originally invited me to sing a duet with him...I am going to a joddling workshop in Switzerland and have been promised custom-made clogs in Holland (that will be a task with my webbed feet. Anyway you'll here from me soon !!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just introducing myself

Hi here I am !! On the photo of myself you can see me in the middle of an aria. If I just flutter up with my wings, I can get to the higher notes.
On this other photo you can see me with my Library friends from the Niddrie bunch. We just finished acting and singing the Paperbag princess Opera. Of course I was the star of the event. Next time I tell you about my plans for the World Tour, can't wait.....